181 research outputs found

    Problemática sociológica de las mujeres inmigrantes víctimas de delitos en la C.A.E.

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    [ES] La inmigración femenina es también significativa en nuestro territorio: mujeres de nacionalidades, religiones y culturas diversas son protagonistas de su propio proyecto migratorio. Son mujeres emprendedoras pero también vulnerables, víctimas no sólo de los estereotipos y prejuicios de la sociedad de acogida y de una ley de extranjería que las hace aún más vulnerables, sino también de delitos que atentan contra sus derechos y libertades fundamentales, doblemente discriminadas, subordinadas y sometidas a diferentes formas de violencia. Ante esta realidad, es imprescindible una respuesta eficaz e integral de todas las instituciones y agentes sociales para promover la igualdad de género y garantizar el respeto a los derechos de todas las mujeres.[EU] Emakume inmigrazioa esanguratsua da gure lurraldean. Kultura, erlijio eta naziotasun ezberdineko emakumeak, beren proiektu migratzailearen protagonista dira. Ekintzaileak dira baina baita kalteberak ere, biktima, ez soilik harrera egiten dien gizartearen eta atzerritarrei buruzko legearen estereotipo eta aurreritziekin, baizik eta beraien oinarrizko eskubide eta askatasunen kontrako delituekin, era bikoitzean baztertuak, menpekotuak, eta biolentzia mota ezberdinetara oinperatuak. Errealitate honen aurrean, emakume guztien eskubideak errespetatzeko eta genero berdintasuna sustatzeko, beharrezkoa da erakunde eta gizarte eragile guztien erantzun bateratua eta eraginkorra.[FR] L’immigration féminine est aussi signifi cative dans notre territoire: des femmes de nationalités, religions et cultures différentes sont les protagonistes de leur propre projet migratoire. Ce sont des femmes entreprenantes mais aussi vulnérables, victimes non seulement des stéréotypes, des préjugés de la société d’accueil et d’une loi sur les étrangers qui les rend plus vulnérables, mais aussi d’infractions qui violent leurs droits et libertés fondamentaux, doublement discriminés, subordonnés et soumis à différentes formes de violence. Face à cette réalité, une réponse efficace et intégrale est indispensable de la part des institutions et des agents sociaux pour promouvoir l’égalité de genre et garantir le respect des droits de toutes les femmes.[EN] Women’s immigration is a significant phenomenon in our country: women of diverse nationalities, religions and cultures are the protagonists of their own migratory project. They are entrepreneur but also vulnerable women, victims of social stereotypes and prejudices, victims of a foreigners’ Law that makes them more vulnerable, and also victims of crimes against their fundamental rights and liberties, doubly discriminated, subordinate and subjected to different forms of violence. Faced with this reality, we need an effective and overall response from social institutions and agents, in order to promote gender equality and to guarantee the respect to women’s rights

    Influencia da práctica de artes marciais en adolescentes sobre os parámetros do Foot Posture Index

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    [Resumen] Introducción/Antecedentes. La postura del pie se puede clasificar mediante la utilización de varios métodos, uno de ellos es el Foot Posture Index (FPI), se considera una herramienta clínica novedosa, y una de las pocas que ofrece una perspectiva tridimensional sobre la posición del pie, también se ha demostrado que presenta una buena confiabilidad intra-observador, basándose en la observación de 6 parámetros. La actividad física durante la infancia puede ser beneficiosa a largo plazo, en algunos estudios se ha establecido una relación directa entre la práctica de algunos deportes y la estructura del pie, pero aún no se ha estudiado la influencia de las artes marciales en la extremidad inferior. Objetivo. El objetivo del estudio es analizar si los parámetros del FPI sufren alguna variación cuando se practican artes marciales de forma habitual en adolescentes de 12 a 16 años. Material y Métodos. Se plantea un estudio descriptivo observacional en adolescentes de 12 a 16 años mediante una muestra de conveniencia, en el cual se medirán los parámetros del FPI. Se realizará el estudio comparando un grupo de adolescentes que practican artes marciales, y otro grupo sedentario, que no realiza actividad física, la muestra será de un total de 44 personas, 22 por grupo, escogidas en la ciudad de Talavera de La Reina (Toledo) pidiendo colaboración a la Universidad de Castilla – La Mancha (UCLM). A todos los participantes se les realizará una entrevista inicial donde se recogerán las variables dependientes y posteriormente se pasará a medir los distintos parámetros del FPI, esta medición se llevará a cabo en la misma franja horaria. En el caso de los deportistas se medirá inmediatamente después de finalizar el entrenamiento. El investigador será conocedor de los datos de los participantes y estos serán previamente informados de los objetivos y metodología del estudio. Los datos se recogerán en el software estadístico SPSS, y las variables serán analizadas mediante una prueba Tstudent.[Abstract] Introduction/History. The posture of the foot can be classified by means of several methods, one of them is known as Foot Posture Index (FPI) which is considered a novel clinical tool, and one of the few methods that offers a tridimensional perspective about the posture of the foot. It has been demostrated also that FPI method has a good reliability intra-observer, based on the analysis of 6 parameters. The physical activity during childhood can be beneficial in long term basis; in some studies, it has been established a direct connection between the practice of some exercises and the structure of the foot, but the influence of some martial arts in the lower extremity has not been studied yet. Purpose. The purpose of this study is analyze the variation of the parameters of the FPI method in teenagers on theirs 12-16 years-old that practice martial arts usually. Method and Supplies. A descriptive observational study is considered, with teenagers on theirs 12-16 years-old, through a conventional sample, in which the parameters of the FPI shall be measured. The study shall compare two groups of teenagers: one that practice martial arts and the other that it is considered as inactive or sedentary. The sample shall be 44 people size, 22 per each group. The sample shall be choosen in the city of Talavera de la Reina (Toledo), working in cooperation with Castilla La Mancha University (UCLM). A general interview shall be done to all participants of the study; dependent variables and the parameters of the FPI method shall be recorded; this measurement shall be done in the same time zone. In the case of the sporty group, those parameters shall be measured inmediately after the training period. The researcher shall know the data of the participants and the participants shall be informed previously about the purpose and methodology of the study. All data shall be recorded within the statistical software SPSS, and the variables shall be analyzed through T-student methodology.[Resumo] Introdución / Antecedentes. A postura do pé pode clasificarse utilizando varios métodos, un deles é o Foot Posture Index (FPI), considérase unha nova ferramenta clínica, e unha das poucas que ofrece unha perspectiva tridimensional da posición do pé, tamén se demostrou que ten unha boa fiabilidade intra-observador, baseada na observación de 6 parámetros. A actividade física durante a infancia pode ser beneficiosa a longo prazo, nalgúns estudos estableceuse unha relación directa entre a práctica dalgúns deportes e estrutura dos pés, pero a influencia das artes marciais e da extremidade inferior aínda non foi estudada. Obxectivo. O obxectivo do estudo é analizar se os parámetros do FPI sofren algunha variación ao practicar artes marciais de xeito habitual en adolescentes de 12 a 16 anos. Material e métodos. Planéase un estudo descriptivo observacional, en adolescentes de 12 a 16 anos, mediante unha mostra de conveniencia, na cal se mediran os parámetros de FPI. Realizarase o estudo comparando un grupo de adolescentes que practican artes marciais, e outro grupo sedentario, que non realiza actividade física, a mostra será dun total de 44 persoas, 22 por grupo, escollidas na cidade de Talavera de La Reina (Toledo) pedindo colaboración a Universidad de Castilla- La Mancha (UCLM). Todos os participantes realizarán unha entrevista inicial, onde se recollerán as variables dependentes e mediranse os diferentes parámetros do FPI, esta medida realizarase na mesma franxa horaria. No caso dos atletas, medirase inmediatamente despois de rematar o adestramento. O investigador coñecerá os datos dos participantes e informarase previamente dos obxectivos e metodoloxía do estudo. Os datos recolleranse no software estatístico SPSS e analizaranse as variables mediante un exame T-student.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FCS). Fisioterapia. Curso 2018/201


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    [EN] We intend to pay special attention to a particular diffi culty for French Language students in level B2/C1, whether their native language is Spanish, French or any other else. That is distinguishing “quelque” in form and function: fi rstly, between indefi nite determiner and adverb; secondly, between concessive constructions “quelque…que” and “quel que”. These expressions manifest a phonetic similarity that must be solved when writing by means of a grammatical analysis and by a contrastive analysis with the Spanish equivalent construction through translation or “thème grammatical”. Doing so will help us to adapt our teaching and face the special needs of our students within the European Higher Education Area framework.[FR] Parmi ces subtilités de la langue française nous choisissons de nous arrêter sur un point qui pose des problèmes aux étudiants hispanophones, francophones ou d'autres origines linguistiques, qui possèdent un niveau B2/C1 en français. Il s'agit de distinguer sous une même forme, quelque, différentes fonctions : d'abord entre le déterminant indéfi ni et l'adverbe puis l'utilisation de cet élément dans les tours concessifs quelque... que et quel que. Ces formules présentent la plupart du temps un syncrétisme phonique qui doit être élucidé à l'écrit aussi bien au niveau de l'analyse grammaticale qu'à travers une analyse constrastive avec la construction espagnole grâce à la traduction ou thème grammatical. Cela nous permet d'adapter notre enseignement et de faire face aux besoins éducatifs spéciaux de nos apprenants dans le cadre du EEES.Molina Romero, MC. (2010). L'EXPRESSION DE LA CONCESSION À TRAVERS DES LOCUTIONS "QUELQUE...QUE" ET "QUEL QUE" ET LEURS ÉQUIVALENTS EN ESPAGNOL. Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas. 5:123-131. doi:10.4995/rlyla.2010.759123131

    Interference of non-specific detergents in microbial inhibitor test results for screening antibiotics in goat s milk

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    [EN] Cleaning and disinfection of dairy equipment is essential to ensure the hygienic quality of milk. Occasionally, some farmers use washing-up liquids and disinfectants for home use, especially when cleaning procedures are carried out manually. Residues of detergents and disinfectants in milk may interfere with the response of microbial inhibitor tests used for screening antibiotics in milk. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the interference of non-specific detergents in screening tests (BRT MRL; Delvotest SP-NT MCS; Eclipse 100) for goat s milk. Twelve replicates of eight concentrations of five washing-up liquids (0 1%) and one disinfectant (0 1%) were analysed. The results showed that the presence of washing-up liquids at concentrations of ≥1 ml/l leads to positive results in microbial tests. In particular, the product containing sodium laureth sulphate and ethanol produced the largest number of positive outcomes. The presence of disinfectant based on sodium hypochlorite did not affect the test response. The detection capabilities of microbial inhibitor tests for penicillins were also studied in milk with and without cleaning products, calculating the dose response curve with eight concentrations of amoxicillin, ampicillin, benzylpenicillin and cloxacillin, respectively. The detection limits of the screening tests for penicillins were not modified substantially by the cleaning product based on sodium laureth sulphate and ethanol. Residues of cleaning agents in milk can be avoided when specific detergents and disinfectants for milking equipment are used and good cleaning practices are applied.This work forms part of the Project AGL 2009-11524 financed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (Madrid, Spain).Romero Rueda, T.; Beltrán Martínez, MC.; Althaus, RL.; Molina Pons, MP. (2016). Interference of non-specific detergents in microbial inhibitor test results for screening antibiotics in goat s milk. Journal of Applied Animal Research. 45(1):159-163. https://doi.org/10.1080/09712119.2015.1129341S159163451Beltrán, M. C., Berruga, M. I., Molina, A., Althaus, R. L., & Molina, M. P. (2015). Performance of current microbial tests for screening antibiotics in sheep and goat milk. International Dairy Journal, 41, 13-15. doi:10.1016/j.idairyj.2014.09.007Carlsson, Å., Björck, L., & Persson, K. (1989). Lactoferrin and Lysozyme in Milk During Acute Mastitis and Their Inhibitory Effect in Delvotest P. Journal of Dairy Science, 72(12), 3166-3175. doi:10.3168/jds.s0022-0302(89)79475-3Dubeuf, J.-P., de A. Ruiz Morales, F., & Castel Genis, J. M. (2010). Initiatives and projects to promote the Mediterranean local cheeses and their relations to the development of livestock systems and activities. Small Ruminant Research, 93(2-3), 67-75. doi:10.1016/j.smallrumres.2010.03.001LÓOPEZ, M. B., JORDÁN, M. J., GRANADOS, M. V., FERNÁNDEZ, J. C., CASTILLO, M., & LAENCINA, J. (1999). Viscosity changes during rennet coagulation of Murciano-Granadina goat milk. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 52(3), 102-106. doi:10.1111/j.1471-0307.1999.tb02081.xMERIN, U., ROSENTHAL, I., BERNSTEIN, S., & POPEL, G. (1985). The effect of residues of detergents and detergents-sanitizers on the performance of antibiotic test and the organoleptic quality of milk. Le Lait, 65(649-650), 163-167. doi:10.1051/lait:1985649-65011Oh, D.-H., & Marshall, D. L. (1993). Antimicrobial activity of ethanol, glycerol monolaurate or lactic acid against Listeria monocytogenes. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 20(4), 239-246. doi:10.1016/0168-1605(93)90168-gPontefract, R. D. (1991). Bacterial Adherence: Its Consequences in Food Processing. Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology Journal, 24(3-4), 113-117. doi:10.1016/s0315-5463(91)70033-3Romero, T., Beltrán, M. C., Althaus, R. L., & Molina, M. P. (2014). Detection of antibiotics in goat’s milk: effect of detergents on the response of microbial inhibitor tests. Journal of Dairy Research, 81(3), 372-377. doi:10.1017/s0022029914000259Romero, T., Beltrán, M. C., Pérez-Baena, I., Rodríguez, M., & Molina, M. P. (2014). Effect of the presence of colostrum on microbial screening methods for antibiotic detection in goats’ milk. Small Ruminant Research, 121(2-3), 376-381. doi:10.1016/j.smallrumres.2014.07.007ROMERO, T., BELTRÁN, M. C., REYBROECK, W., & MOLINA, M. P. (2015). Effect In Vitro of Antiparasitic Drugs on Microbial Inhibitor Test Responses for Screening Antibiotic Residues in Goat’s Milk. Journal of Food Protection, 78(9), 1756-1759. doi:10.4315/0362-028x.jfp-15-020Sierra, D., Sánchez, A., Contreras, A., Luengo, C., Corrales, J. C., Morales, C. T., … Gonzalo, C. (2009). Detection limits of four antimicrobial residue screening tests for β-lactams in goat’s milk. Journal of Dairy Science, 92(8), 3585-3591. doi:10.3168/jds.2008-1981Valladao, M., & Sandine, W. E. (1994). Quaternary Ammonium Compounds in Milk: Detection by Reverse-Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Their Effect on Starter Growth. Journal of Dairy Science, 77(6), 1509-1514. doi:10.3168/jds.s0022-0302(94)77090-9Zeng, S. S., Escobar, E. N., & Brown-Crowder, I. (1996). Evaluation of screening tests for detection of antibiotic residues in goat milk. Small Ruminant Research, 21(2), 155-160. doi:10.1016/0921-4488(95)00822-

    Training of the future teacher in the flipped learning model in an online environment

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    The objective of this paper is to evaluate the effectiveness of a training program, based on the flipped learning model, for future teachers of Secondary Education and Vocational Training. For this study, a pre-experimental research design was used, and an instrument was applied to determine the level of training acquired in active methodologies, design of activities, technological tools, evaluation strategies, and student satisfaction with the training program. The results show the effectiveness of the program for training students in the active methodologies and technological tools most appropriate to implement the flipped model in the classroom.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Drug residues in goat s milk after to the prophylactic use of antibiotics in intravaginal sponges for estrus synchronization

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    [EN] The aim of this study was to determine whether the prophylactic use of antibiotics in intravaginal sponges used for estrus synchronization in goats may result in the presence of inhibitors in milk and, therefore, of positive results by microbial screening tests. Ninetyeight Murciano-Granadina goats were used, divided into 7 groups of 14 animals. Intravaginal sponges were placed in 6 groups using 2 concentrations of 3 different antibiotics: doxycycline, oxytetracycline, and sulfathiazole- framycetin. The sponges of the control group were placed without antibiotics. Milk samples were collected daily until 7 d posttreatment and analyzed using 3 microbial tests. Positive samples were retested by specific receptor-binding assays to confirm the positive results. Vaginal status was evaluated by visual assessment of the external aspect of the sponges after removal. The microbial test response was not affected by either day posttreatment or dose of antibiotic used, except for oxytetracycline at the higher concentration. Moreover, no positive results were obtained using receptor-binding assays, suggesting that residues, if present in milk, did not exceed the regulatory (safety) levels established for these drugs. The occurrence of soiled sponges was higher in the control group. With respect to the dose of antibiotics used, no significant differences were found for the lower dose administered. However, a significant increase in the percentage of clean sponges was observed for the higher dose of doxycycline. We conclude that the prophylactic use of low doses of doxycycline, oxytetracycline, or sulfathiazole in intravaginal sponges used for synchronization of estrus helps to reduce clinical vaginitis in dairy goats and does not seem to be the cause of positive results in microbial inhibitor tests used to detect antibiotics in goat milk.This work is part of the AGL-2009-11524 Project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Madrid, Spain). The authors are grateful to the Diputacion de Castellon and UNISENSOR S.A (Angleur, Belgium) for their support.Romero Rueda, T.; Balado, J.; Althaus, RL.; Beltrán Martínez, MC.; Molina Pons, MP. (2016). Drug residues in goat s milk after to the prophylactic use of antibiotics in intravaginal sponges for estrus synchronization. Journal of Dairy Science. 99(1):141-145. https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2015-10200S14114599

    Problemática sociológica de las mujeres inmigrantes víctimas de delitos en la C.A.E.

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    [ES] La inmigración femenina es también significativa en nuestro territorio: mujeres de nacionalidades, religiones y culturas diversas son protagonistas de su propio proyecto migratorio. Son mujeres emprendedoras pero también vulnerables, víctimas no sólo de los estereotipos y prejuicios de la sociedad de acogida y de una ley de extranjería que las hace aún más vulnerables, sino también de delitos que atentan contra sus derechos y libertades fundamentales, doblemente discriminadas, subordinadas y sometidas a diferentes formas de violencia. Ante esta realidad, es imprescindible una respuesta eficaz e integral de todas las instituciones y agentes sociales para promover la igualdad de género y garantizar el respeto a los derechos de todas las mujeres.[EU] Emakume inmigrazioa esanguratsua da gure lurraldean. Kultura, erlijio eta naziotasun ezberdineko emakumeak, beren proiektu migratzailearen protagonista dira. Ekintzaileak dira baina baita kalteberak ere, biktima, ez soilik harrera egiten dien gizartearen eta atzerritarrei buruzko legearen estereotipo eta aurreritziekin, baizik eta beraien oinarrizko eskubide eta askatasunen kontrako delituekin, era bikoitzean baztertuak, menpekotuak, eta biolentzia mota ezberdinetara oinperatuak. Errealitate honen aurrean, emakume guztien eskubideak errespetatzeko eta genero berdintasuna sustatzeko, beharrezkoa da erakunde eta gizarte eragile guztien erantzun bateratua eta eraginkorra.[FR] L’immigration féminine est aussi signifi cative dans notre territoire: des femmes de nationalités, religions et cultures différentes sont les protagonistes de leur propre projet migratoire. Ce sont des femmes entreprenantes mais aussi vulnérables, victimes non seulement des stéréotypes, des préjugés de la société d’accueil et d’une loi sur les étrangers qui les rend plus vulnérables, mais aussi d’infractions qui violent leurs droits et libertés fondamentaux, doublement discriminés, subordonnés et soumis à différentes formes de violence. Face à cette réalité, une réponse efficace et intégrale est indispensable de la part des institutions et des agents sociaux pour promouvoir l’égalité de genre et garantir le respect des droits de toutes les femmes.[EN] Women’s immigration is a significant phenomenon in our country: women of diverse nationalities, religions and cultures are the protagonists of their own migratory project. They are entrepreneur but also vulnerable women, victims of social stereotypes and prejudices, victims of a foreigners’ Law that makes them more vulnerable, and also victims of crimes against their fundamental rights and liberties, doubly discriminated, subordinate and subjected to different forms of violence. Faced with this reality, we need an effective and overall response from social institutions and agents, in order to promote gender equality and to guarantee the respect to women’s rights